So this is the first post on our blog, we are mostly doing this to keep people updated with the wedding plans and other things. It has been really hectic trying to find a place to hold a ceremony and do invitations in a matter of days. But the leg work is finally coming to a close and everything is starting to take shape. Heather and Geoff both helped with the invitations and pictures and we have a location for the ceremony and the reception. You can see it by clicking this link www.mynoahs.com . The ceremony and reception both will be held in evening starting at 6 and ending at 9 or so on the rooftop reception center. So if you are planning on attending then dress warm. The big day is Saturday November 15'th so mark it on your calender. Above is the picture we used for the invitations.
I love the picture. Andrew is looking like a hot tamale!!!!
oh..i am so excited carly!! you are so stinkin adorable. wish i could come with jordan on your big day.
You have a blog and you didn't tell me? I'll forgive you since you're so busy :) CONGRATS guys!!
you guys should blog more and I like your colors.
Congrats, Carly. We hadn't heard you are engaged.
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